About Us


The Fullerton Radio Club is a small and friendly group of people with diverse interests that center around ham radio, community service, science, and technology. This is a group for currently licensed amateur radio operators, people who are interested in getting their ham radio licenses, or simply people who want to find out more about ham radio and related wireless technologies. One of our club officers, Bob, AD6QF, can usually be found on the Fullerton K6QEH repeater, on 446.44 MHz with a PL of 114.8 Hz. Give him a call and introduce yourself.

If you are interested in more information about the Fullerton Radio Club, please leave a comment below and one of our club officers will reply or contact you. Consider joining us for our regular Wednesday night Zoom meetings.

13 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hello…I just took the Tech test last Thursday and am awaiting my call sign. Hoping the “gov’t shutdown” doesn’t affect this. LOL. This week I plan to run over to HRO and buy me a radio, probably the Yeasu FT-70DR. See what they recommend.
    Anyway, I’m looking for a club. Your website is kept up to date and you have current news letters. That says a lot to a newbie.
    I’m interested in knowing what it is you all do as a club. Do you offer any classes, or at least sit around maybe putting some kits together, something active.
    My name is Tom, I’m 61, live in a over 55 mobile park in Brea (meaning antennas have to be covert), and I’m not retired yet. I’ve wanted to be a Ham for 30 years but never did it till now. My park is beginning a “disaster preparedness” program soon that I have volunteered to help with. I plan to do the CERT training in April. Being a Ham will be an advantage, and the Park will be a little lenient about any antennas on my roof, seeing as I’m such a concerned citizen. Its win/win.
    So what sort of activities is your Club into?

  2. Hi Tom! Pleased to meet you. Congratulations on getting your license and welcome to a fun hobby. Like you, I had a long gap between the time I first got interested in getting licensed (high school) and the time I eventually did so (twenty years later in 1990).

    The FT-70 looks like a nice radio. I have had its older brother, the FT-60, for about 10 years. I do a lot of hiking and outdoor activities, and my experience is that the Yaesu handheld radios are quite rugged and handle weather, dust, and being tossed in a backpack well.

    I just read that the FCC has enough budget to run until at least Friday. If your VEs file their applications electronically, you may slip under the wire – but hopefully, they will have things sorted out by Friday.

    Our regular club activities are monthly meetings (on the 3rd Wednesday of the month) , where we will have a speaker give a presentation on a topic of interest to club members. On the 2nd Wednesday, there is a group who like to do a “show-and-tell’ of projects they are working on. See the tab for the TAG group. The club has a number of interesting members, many come from technical fields. Since I joined the club, a couple of years ago, I have learned a lot. You mentioned CERT – one of our TAG members Dick Bremer WB6DNX is active with Brea RACES and CERT.

    I am a recently retired high school teacher, and one of my interests is helping new hams “get up to speed.” When I was teaching, I ran an informal ham radio club at school, and averaged about 5 to 8 students getting licensed each year.

    If you want some help getting started, I’ll be happy to help.

    Bob Houghton – AD6QF (Club Prez)

  3. Hello, my name is Bob and I am completely new to ham radio. My son got interested and purchased a handheld and I did too. Now I would like to learn enough to take the technical test and enjoy what I have been thinking of doing for a very long time — ham radio. I have convinced my wife to also study for the test but I would like to be able to interface with people with the same interest. I don’t have any books or have not found a class if I need one ( I guess thats why I’m writing this). I have been retired for some time and this looks to be an enjoyable hobby. I live in Yorba Linda and would like to interface with a club nearby. Fullerton would be a good choice for me. Thanks for reading this.

  4. Hi Bob. Thanks for visiting the Fullerton Radio Club website. I’d be happy to help you out and give some ideas about how you might want to proceed. I will send you an email. – Bob AD6QF

  5. Hello,
    My name is Kevin. I’ve had my General license for about a year now and due to my work schedule I’m still not on the air. I’ve started studying for my Extra. I’d be interested in going to a meeting to sit in and try to get to know some people active in radio. I’ve been interested in radio and electronics since my childhood but just didn’t get a chance to pursue it until now.
    Looking forward to meeting you all.

  6. Is the club doing anything for tomorrow’s ARRL Field Day?



  7. Hi Steve. Yes, we will have a small group operating at Hillcrest Park tomorrow. If you stop by, look for the satellite station on the hill behind the Issac Walton League cabin. There will also be a station on the front porch of the cabin. The stations and operators will be keeping a little distance between each other. I think they will be operating from 11 am until late afternoon / early evening.

  8. Hi-
    My father recently passed away (K6VMD) and I have a W-51 Tri AX Antenna Tower on a trailer with outrigger legs for sale. Also, have a Alliance Azimuth Indicator that works with the tower.
    My mother would like to sell it to a group that can enjoy it.
    Please contact me if interested or know a group that want to buy one.

  9. Hi my name is Rob Dalley KF6YGY and I am the ham radio coordinator for the Baker to Vegas race. We have had some of the members in the past support the race. The race is April 1, 2, 2023 and we are in desperate need of volunteers. If anyone in the club or other hams would like to help please email me at kf6ygy@gmail.com. Thanks

  10. Checking to see if you’re planning another Antennas in the Park this May 2024.

    Last year, several ARALB (Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach) attended and enjoyed it. We’re looking forward to it this year.

    Becky KJ6VSL


  11. Hi Becky. Yes! Date will likely be Saturday, May 11, but I still have to check availability of our spot at Hillcrest Park. We will look forward to seeing you and some of the ARALB members, friends, and students.

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